
At this critical time in a young person’s life, teens need clear direction, boundaries and guidelines to help them navigate through these fragile years. Sadly many of today’s youth come from single parent families which makes it all the more difficult for the teens.

Teens frequently struggle asking for help. Often they feel misunderstood, unsure and insecure about a whole lot of stuff. Many young people need support and encouragement- Amped4Life is here for them

For more than 22  years, Amped4Life has supported Schools, Industry and Community to deal with substance use and addiction problems. Programs for children and youth are an essential component of our addictions services. Amped4Life works in collaboration with schools to deliver specialized services that reflect the needs of the community and the experience of children and youth. Together, New Zealand schools and Amped4Life can help students discover and extend their own capabilities, as well as develop supportive relationships and healthy environments.

Young people in today’s world have many hurdles and struggles to overcome as they transition from child to adult. Faced with the potential of rejection from their peers, teens often trade off between what’s right and what’s cool. Sadly, to the detriment of many, young adults find themselves caught up in making bad choices including drug and alcohol abuse, violence, at risk sexual activity and many other destructive behaviours.

School Programmes
Work Place Programmes
Community Programmes

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